Friday, December 12, 2014

It was a warm summer's day in Washington D.C. The sun shone brightly overhead and the heat could be felt from within the school bus that the Mighty Indian Marching Band was traveling in.We had been in the bus for quite a few hours and we were more than ready to get off. I was sitting next to my closest friends in band. Sitting next to me was my friend Matt and behind me was Casey and CJ. They played clarinet, but I played the flute. We were all in the same grade and had met each other through the marching band. Earlier in the day we had traveled around D.C. and visited some of the major sights such as the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans memorial. We had an excellent time together and it was relaxing to get away from all of the practice that we had done, but now the fun was over and it was time to get serious. Our marching band was participating in a parade that would be judged. The band that performed the best would receive the first place award. Now it was time for all of that practice to pay off.

From left to right: Matt, CJ, Casey.

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